

A brief of Projects Undertaken by the Trust Saved  Human Lives and Legal Support Provided to Prisoners

Dr. S.P. Singh Oberoi has been successful in saving lives of more than 80 youth from death sentence.

These boys belonged to different States of India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Philippine, Ethiopia, Bangladesh.

He paid more than $2m so far as blood money in lieu of their lives. Took initiative of arranging air ambulance to fly the critically injured LPU Student Yannick Nihangaza (23) to his native country Burundi and also donated $1000 to his father. More than130 unclaimed dead bodies of Indians (Sikhs, Hindus & Muslims) have been brought back to India from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Sharjah and Dubai so that their families could complete their last rituals.

He also support their widows with monthly pensions upto Rs. 10000 and granted financial & educational help to their wards as per their need Many Criminal cases in which Punjabi youth were involved have been amicably resolved with UAE authorities.

Dr. Oberoi has been apperciated thrice by officials of Govt. of UAE for this social cause.